What skills will a future fleet manager need?


Fleet management is a very important part of modern business. Companies in many industries rely on fleet vehicles to deliver products and services to customers, and those fleets must be properly and efficiently managed.

Fleet managers are responsible for selecting and maintaining vehicles to keep deliveries and distributions on schedule and within established budgets. To succeed, fleet managers need significant experience and skills in operations, logistics, and software programs to monitor both fleets and drivers.

With such a rapid transformation in business, it is easy to think that whoever is in the market today does not need to do anything to prepare for the future. But that is not true. Fleet managers can start preparing now for the future that is increasingly present!

So, here are five skills fleet managers can start building today, to prepare themselves for tomorrow. 

1 – Data-driven 

Most managers are already aware of this need and deal with it daily. They know they need to make choices and decisions based on statistics about vehicle usage, route efficiency, fuel economy, and so on. But it is necessary to go further. You also need to understand how the general data is offered and find out how to make your fleet even smarter.

2 – Software integration 

You don’t need to know everything about programming, but you do need to know what to ask for your IT and development team. You have to understand what these people do and what they can deliver to make your work more efficient. Integrated software and systems provide a very accurate summary of everything you need to know. Much better than joining the parts manually.

3 – Adaptability

If there is a sector in which things go very fast, it is ours! We have changes in technology and even legislation very often, so it is necessary to adopt flexible working methodologies. You need to be aware of the changes, understand how they will affect your fleet, and find the best ways to deal with them.

4 – Performance optimization

Markets that have already gone through the digitization process are already used to using tests and development methods to find possibilities for optimization, which can then be implemented in the entire business.

With vehicles traveling thousands of kilometers a week, fleet managers need to test different fuels, lubricants, driving techniques, and other variables to continually optimize their fleet.

5 – Goal driven 

Successful people do not give up but keep trying new ways until their goals are met. To be goal-driven and become successful requires at least two components namely preparation and motivation.

In preparation, you should be aware of the tasks ahead to be undertaken, and establish time-saving mechanisms to efficiently utilize your time. Be motivated and keep a track of your progress, it might be necessary to reassign time to tasks so that they do not build upon you.

Again, technology is a very important part of the fleet industry. If you are looking for a fuel management partner that is a complete high-tech solution to control commercial fleets fueling, contact us